Kelsey Media operates an affiliate scheme on all Kelsey shop titles via

If you have a website, blog, forum, newsletter or large social media following, you could earn commission on sales of our industry-leading lifestyle, fitness, heritage, motoring magazine and bookazine titles via your channels by signing up as a ‘Publisher’ to our affiliate program on

What is affiliate marketing?

Watch the explanatory Awin video here:

Why join our affiliate scheme?

  • You can earn commission of up to £20 per sale! (See below)
  • Over 60 top magazines in digital and print format to promote to your audience
  • Over 150 bookazines and brand merchandise
  • Cookies are valid for 30 days so referral sales can be made at any point during this period
  • We will arrange individual brand graphics and bespoke graphic dimensions if you require them
  • We will agree a bonus for high sellers

Rates you can earn:

£4.50 – £14.00 basket value = £2.00 commission
£14.01 – £30.00 basket value = £5.00 commission
£30.01 – £70.00 basket value = £10.00 commission
£70.01 – £100.00 basket value = £15.00 commission
£100:01+ basket value = £20.00 commission

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